
This document is intended to provide instructions for using the modello-maven-plugin.

Typical configuration of the plugin in pom.xml

You can use the following configuration in your pom.xml to invoke the Modello Plugin.


This configuration will take into account the model described in the file src/main/mdo/myModel.mdo in version 1.0.0. It will execute the following goals in the generate-source phase:

  • java which will generate Java beans from the model,
  • xpp3-reader which will create an XPP reader for the model.

The generated Java sources will be located in the target/generated-sources/modello folder (or in the folder set by the outputDirectory parameter), which will be added as a source folder to the project build cycle.

During the pre-site phase, it will execute the following goals:

  • xdoc which will generate a documentation of the model in the target/generated-site/xdoc folder, which will in turn be processed to output in the standard site, during the site phase,
  • xsd which will generate an XML Schema for our model in the target/generated-site/resources/xsd folder (set by the outputDirectory parameter), which will in turn be copied in the standard site, during the site phase.