Package org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase
Interface Summary Interface Description Configurable Configures a component.Contextualizable Disposable Initializable Serviceable Indicates that a class wants a hold on a ServiceLocator.ServiceLocator Provides services to components by means of a lookup.Startable Suspendable -
Class Summary Class Description AutoConfigurePhase ConfigurablePhase ContextualizePhase DisposePhase InitializePhase LogDisablePhase LogEnablePhase PlexusContainerLocator A ServiceLocator for PlexusContainer.ResumePhase ServiceablePhase StartPhase StopPhase SuspendPhase -
Exception Summary Exception Description InitializationException Indicates a problem occurred when initialising a component.PhaseExecutionException Describes an error that has occurred during the execution of a phase.StartingException Error occuring while starting a component.StoppingException Error occuring while starting a component.