Class AspectJCompiler

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Named("aspectj") public class AspectJCompiler extends AbstractCompiler


-injars JarList

Accept as source bytecode any .class files inside the specified .jar files. The output will include these classes, possibly as woven with any applicable aspects. JarList, like classpath, is a single argument containing a list of paths to jar files, delimited by the platform- specific classpath delimiter.

-aspectpath JarList

Weave binary aspects from JarList zip files into all sources. The aspects should have been output by the same version of the compiler. To run the output classes requires putting all the aspectpath entries on the run classpath. JarList, like classpath, is a single argument containing a list of paths to jar files, delimited by the platform- specific classpath delimiter.

-argfile File

The file is a line-delimited list of arguments. These arguments are inserted into the argument list.

-outjar output.jar

Put output classes in zip file output.jar.


Run the compiler continuously. After the initial compilation, the compiler will wait to recompile until it reads a newline from the standard input, and will quit when it reads a 'q'. It will only recompile necessary components, so a recompile should be much faster than doing a second compile. This requires -sourceroots.

-sourceroots DirPaths

Find and build all .java or .aj source files under any directory listed in DirPaths. DirPaths, like classpath, is a single argument containing a list of paths to directories, delimited by the platform- specific classpath delimiter. Required by -incremental.


Generate .ajesym symbol files for emacs support


Same as -Xlint:warning (enabled by default)


Set default level for messages about potential programming mistakes in crosscutting code. {level} may be ignore, warning, or error. This overrides entries in org/aspectj/weaver/ from aspectjtools.jar, but does not override levels set using the -Xlintfile option.

-Xlintfile PropertyFile

Specify properties file to set levels for specific crosscutting messages. PropertyFile is a path to a Java .properties file that takes the same property names and values as org/aspectj/weaver/ from aspectjtools.jar, which it also overrides. -help

Emit information on compiler options and usage


Emit the version of the AspectJ compiler

-classpath Path

Specify where to find user class files. Path is a single argument containing a list of paths to zip files or directories, delimited by the platform-specific path delimiter.

-bootclasspath Path

Override location of VM's bootclasspath for purposes of evaluating types when compiling. Path is a single argument containing a list of paths to zip files or directories, delimited by the platform-specific path delimiter.

-extdirs Path

Override location of VM's extension directories for purposes of evaluating types when compiling. Path is a single argument containing a list of paths to directories, delimited by the platform-specific path delimiter.

-d Directory

Specify where to place generated .class files. If not specified, Directory defaults to the current working dir.

-target [1.1|1.2]

Specify classfile target setting (1.1 or 1.2, default is 1.1)


Set compliance level to 1.3 (default) -1.4

Set compliance level to 1.4 -source [1.3|1.4]

Toggle assertions (1.3 or 1.4, default is 1.3 in -1.3 mode and 1.4 in -1.4 mode). When using -source 1.3, an assert() statement valid under Java 1.4 will result in a compiler error. When using -source 1.4, treat assert as a keyword and implement assertions according to the 1.4 language spec.


Emit no warnings (equivalent to '-warn:none') This does not suppress messages generated by declare warning or Xlint.

-warn: items

Emit warnings for any instances of the comma-delimited list of questionable code (eg '-warn:unusedLocals,deprecation'):

constructorName method with constructor name packageDefaultMethod attempt to override package-default method deprecation usage of deprecated type or member maskedCatchBlocks hidden catch block unusedLocals local variable never read unusedArguments method argument never read unusedImports import statement not used by code in file none suppress all compiler warnings

-warn:none does not suppress messages generated by declare warning or Xlint.


Same as -warn:deprecation


Emit no errors for unresolved imports


Keep compiling after error, dumping class files with problem methods


debug attributes level, that may take three forms:

-g all debug info ('-g:lines,vars,source') -g:none no debug info -g:{items} debug info for any/all of [lines, vars, source], e.g., -g:lines,source


Preserve all local variables during code generation (to facilitate debugging).


Compute reference information.

-encoding format

Specify default source encoding format. Specify custom encoding on a per file basis by suffixing each input source file/folder name with '[encoding]'.


Emit messages about accessed/processed compilation units

-log file Specify a log file for compiler messages.

-progress Show progress (requires -log mode).

-time Display speed information.

-noExit Do not call System.exit(n) at end of compilation (n=0 if no error)

-repeat N Repeat compilation process N times (typically to do performance analysis).

-Xnoweave (Experimental) produce unwoven class files for input using -injars.

-Xnoinline (Experimental) do not inline around advice

-XincrementalFile file

(Experimental) This works like incremental mode, but using a file rather than standard input to control the compiler. It will recompile each time file is changed and and halt when file is deleted.

-XserializableAspects (Experimental) Normally it is an error to declare aspects Serializable. This option removes that restriction.

Jason van Zyl