Modello StAX Plugin

Modello StAX Plugin generates XML readers and writers based on StAX API, plus reader delegates to be able to read multiple model versions.

Notice: DOM content type can be represented either as plexus-utils' Xpp3Dom or, since Modello 1.6, standard org.w3c.dom.Element objects


stax-reader generator creates class with following public methods:

  • public RootClass ( Reader reader, boolean strict )
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
  • public RootClass read( Reader reader )
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
  • public RootClass read( String filePath, boolean strict )
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
  • public RootClass read( String filePath )
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException

In addition, if multiple model reader versions are generated (each in its own package), it creates a delegate class with following public methods:

  • public Object read( File f, boolean strict )
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
  • public Object read( File f )
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException

Depending on the model version found in the XML content, the returned Object will be of the right version package.


stax-writer generator creates class with following public methods:

  • public void write( Writer writer, RootClass root )
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException