All Classes and Interfaces

A single action done on the project, during this release.
<field><type>chose a type[]</type><field>: Test of arrays of every types supported (java plugin only).
<field><type>chose a type</type><field>: Test of every simple types supported.
A base class, to be inherited.
Class BidiInList.
Class BidiInSet.
Test of a bidirectional association, ie an association that has a reference to its parent.
A model class that has only XMl attributes fields and exactly one field with Content type.
Name and Email of the person to be credited for this change.
Class Features.
Class File.
Class IndentingXMLStreamWriter.
Test of java generation specific parameters: see JavaMetadataPlugin class.
Class ModelloFeaturesTestDom4jReader.
Class ModelloFeaturesTestDom4jWriter.
Class ModelloFeaturesTestJDOMWriter.
Class Counter.
Class ModelloFeaturesTestStaxReader.
Class ModelloFeaturesTestStaxWriter.
Class ModelloFeaturesTestXpp3Reader.
Class ModelloFeaturesTestXpp3Writer.
Class NodeItem.
A Properties class with predictable order: it is sorted by key value.
<class><packageName>...</packageName></class>: A class generated in a package different from the default one.
A simple class for association demo.
Interface SimpleInterface.
<field><type>chose a type</type><field>: Test of every simple types supported.
<class><superClass>BaseClass</superClass></class>: A class inheriting from BaseClass.
<class><superClass>SubClassLevel1</superClass></class>: A class inheriting from SubClassLevel1.
<class><superClass>SubClassLevel2</superClass></class>: A class inheriting from SubClassLevel2.
Interface SubInterface.
Interface SubInterfaceInPackage.
Class SuperThing.
Class Thing.
Class Thingy.
Test of XDOC specific parameters: see XdocMetadataPlugin class.
<field xml.attribute="true">: fields as XML attribute instead of element, for every simple type.
<field xml.content="true">: fields as XML content, for every simple type.
<field xml.content="true"> with long type.
<field xml.content="true"> with long type and some attributes.
Test of XML specific parameters: see XmlMetadataPlugin class.
<field xml.insertParentFieldsUpTo="xxx">: insert parent fields.
Class XmlFieldsOrderParent.
Class XmlFieldsOrderParent2.
<field xml.transient="true">: fields marked as transient are ignored by parsers and writers, they hold runtime state that should not be persisted.
Test of XSD specific parameters: see XsdMetadataPlugin class.