Class ModelloVelocityMojo

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.maven.plugin.ContextEnabled, org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo

@Mojo(name="velocity", defaultPhase=GENERATE_SOURCES, threadSafe=true) public class ModelloVelocityMojo extends AbstractModelloGeneratorMojo
Creates files from the model using Velocity templates.

This mojo can be given a list of templates and a list of parameters. Each template from the templates property will be run with the following context:

  • version: the version of the model to generate
  • model: the modello model
  • Helper: a Helper object instance
  • any additional parameters specified using the params property
The output file is controlled from within the template using the #MODELLO-VELOCITY#SAVE-OUTPUT-TO VTL directive. This allows a single template to generate multiple files. For example, the following directive will redirect further output from the template to a file named org/apache/maven/api/model/ if the variable package is set to org.apache.maven.api.model and the variable className is set to Plugin.

#MODELLO-VELOCITY#SAVE-OUTPUT-TO ${package.replace('.','/')}/${className}.java