The contents of this document are a work in progress

Plexus Auto Configuration

Auto configuration is ...

If you are familiar with libraries like xstream you will feel at home. If not, it's simple enough anyway.

The best way to understand how the plexus ComponentConfigurator functions is by example. Assuming that the auto-configuration mechanism is applied to class:


class com.MyComponent implements com.SomeInterface
   private String propertyA;

   private int propertyB;


with a plexus configuration like so:


The actions the plexus ComponentConfigurator would perform on the instance of component would be something like this:

com.SomeInterface component = new com.MyComponent();

component.propertyA = "foo";

component.propertyB = 1;

Types Supported by Autoconfiguration

  • java.lang.Boolean & boolean
  • java.lang.Byte & byte
  • java.lang.Character & char
  • java.lang.Double & double
  • java.lang.Float & float
  • java.lang.Integer & int
  • java.lang.Long & long
  • java.lang.Short & short
  • java.lang.StringBuffer
  • java.lang.String
  • java.util.Date (todo: document supported patterns)
  • java.math.BigDecimal
  • java.math.BigInteger
Composite types (Object properties)
  • Object with properties

    Component implementation:

    class com.MyComponent
       private Person person;
    class com.Person
       private String firstname;
       private String lastname;

    Component configuration :


    Actions taken by Component Configurator:

    Person person = new Person();
    person.firstname = "Baltazar";
    person.lastname = "Gabka";
    component.person = person;
  • Collections

    TODO: Collections example.

  • java.lang.Properties

    Component implementation:

    class com.MyComponent
       private Properties propertiesA;

    Component configuration :


    Actions taken by Component Configurator:

    com.MyComponent component;
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.put( "key1", "name1" )
    properties.put( "key2", "name2" )
    setFieldValue( component, "propertiesA", properties );
    component.propertiesA = properties;
Advanced mapping
<foos elements="java.lang.String"/>

or possibly (pending implementation)

<foos elements="com.MyBean" implementation="java.util.LinkedList"/>