Interface PlexusContainer

    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        static final String ROLE
    • Method Detail

      • lookup

        Object lookup​(String role)
               throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a component object with the given unique key or role.
        role - a unique key for the desired component
        a Plexus component object
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookup

        Object lookup​(String role,
                      String roleHint)
               throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a component object with the given unique role/role-hint combination.
        role - a non-unique key for the desired component
        roleHint - a hint for the desired component implementation
        a Plexus component object
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookup

        <T> T lookup​(Class<T> type)
              throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a component object with the given unique key or role.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the unique type of the component within the container
        a Plexus component object
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookup

        <T> T lookup​(Class<T> type,
                     String roleHint)
              throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a component object with the given unique role/role-hint combination.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the non-unique type of the component
        roleHint - a hint for the desired component implementation
        a Plexus component object
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookup

        <T> T lookup​(Class<T> type,
                     String role,
                     String roleHint)
              throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a component object with the given unique role/role-hint combination.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the non-unique type of the component
        role - a non-unique key for the desired component
        roleHint - a hint for the desired component implementation
        a Plexus component object
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookup

        <T> T lookup​(ComponentDescriptor<T> componentDescriptor)
              throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a component object matching the given component descriptor.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        componentDescriptor - the descriptor of the component
        a Plexus component object
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookupList

        List<Object> lookupList​(String role,
                                List<String> roleHints)
                         throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a List of component objects with the given role.
        role - a non-unique key for the desired components
        roleHints - the list of hints.
        a List of component objects
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookupList

        <T> List<T> lookupList​(Class<T> type)
                        throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a List of component objects with the given role.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the non-unique type of the components
        a List of component objects
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookupList

        <T> List<T> lookupList​(Class<T> type,
                               List<String> roleHints)
                        throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a List of component objects with the given role.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the non-unique type of the components
        roleHints - the list of hints.
        a List of component objects
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookupMap

        Map<String,​Object> lookupMap​(String role)
                                    throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a Map of component objects with the given role, keyed by all available role-hints.
        role - a non-unique key for the desired components
        a Map of component objects
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookupMap

        Map<String,​Object> lookupMap​(String role,
                                           List<String> roleHints)
                                    throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a Map of component objects with the given role, keyed by all available role-hints.
        role - a non-unique key for the desired components
        roleHints - the list of hints.
        a Map of component objects
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookupMap

        <T> Map<String,​T> lookupMap​(Class<T> type)
                                   throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a Map of component objects with the given role, keyed by all available role-hints.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the non-unique type of the components
        a Map of component objects
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • lookupMap

        <T> Map<String,​T> lookupMap​(Class<T> type,
                                          List<String> roleHints)
                                   throws ComponentLookupException
        Looks up and returns a Map of component objects with the given role, keyed by all available role-hints.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the non-unique type of the components
        roleHints - the list of hints.
        a Map of component objects
        ComponentLookupException - in case of lookup error.
      • getComponentDescriptor

        ComponentDescriptor<?> getComponentDescriptor​(String role)
        Returns the ComponentDescriptor with the given component role and the default role hint. Searches up the hierarchy until one is found, null if none is found.
        role - a unique role for the desired component's descriptor
        the ComponentDescriptor with the given component role
      • getComponentDescriptor

        ComponentDescriptor<?> getComponentDescriptor​(String role,
                                                      String roleHint)
        Returns the ComponentDescriptor with the given component role and hint. Searches up the hierarchy until one is found, null if none is found.
        role - a unique role for the desired component's descriptor
        roleHint - a hint showing which implementation should be used
        the ComponentDescriptor with the given component role
      • getComponentDescriptor

        <T> ComponentDescriptor<T> getComponentDescriptor​(Class<T> type,
                                                          String role,
                                                          String roleHint)
        Returns the ComponentDescriptor with the given component role and hint. Searches up the hierarchy until one is found, null if none is found.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the Java type of the desired component
        role - a unique role for the desired component's descriptor
        roleHint - a hint showing which implementation should be used
        the ComponentDescriptor with the given component role
      • getComponentDescriptorMap

        Map<String,​ComponentDescriptor<?>> getComponentDescriptorMap​(String role)
        Returns a Map of ComponentDescriptors with the given role, keyed by role-hint. Searches up the hierarchy until all are found, an empty Map if none are found.
        role - a non-unique key for the desired components
        a Map of component descriptors keyed by role-hint
      • getComponentDescriptorMap

        <T> Map<String,​ComponentDescriptor<T>> getComponentDescriptorMap​(Class<T> type,
                                                                               String role)
        Returns a Map of ComponentDescriptors with the given role, keyed by role-hint. Searches up the hierarchy until all are found, an empty Map if none are found.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the Java type of the desired components
        role - a non-unique key for the desired components
        a Map of component descriptors keyed by role-hint
      • getComponentDescriptorList

        List<ComponentDescriptor<?>> getComponentDescriptorList​(String role)
        Returns a List of ComponentDescriptors with the given role. Searches up the hierarchy until all are found, an empty List if none are found.
        role - a non-unique key for the desired components
        a List of component descriptors
      • getComponentDescriptorList

        <T> List<ComponentDescriptor<T>> getComponentDescriptorList​(Class<T> type,
                                                                    String role)
        Returns a List of ComponentDescriptors with the given role. Searches up the hierarchy until all are found, an empty List if none are found.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        type - the Java type of the desired components
        role - a non-unique key for the desired components
        a List of component descriptors
      • release

        void release​(Object component)
              throws ComponentLifecycleException
        Releases the component from the container. This is dependent upon how the implementation manages the component, but usually enacts some standard lifecycle shutdown procedure on the component. In every case, the component is no longer accessible from the container (unless another is created).
        component - the plexus component object to release
        ComponentLifecycleException - in case of an error.
      • hasComponent

        boolean hasComponent​(String role)
        Returns true if this container has the keyed component.
        role - a non-unique key for the desired component
        true if this container has the keyed component
      • hasComponent

        boolean hasComponent​(String role,
                             String roleHint)
        Returns true if this container has a component with the given role/role-hint.
        role - a non-unique key for the desired component
        roleHint - a hint for the desired component implementation
        true if this container has a component with the given role/role-hint
      • hasComponent

        boolean hasComponent​(Class<?> type)
        Returns true if this container has a component with the given role/role-hint.
        type - the non-unique type of the component
        true if this container has a component with the given role/role-hint
      • hasComponent

        boolean hasComponent​(Class<?> type,
                             String roleHint)
        Returns true if this container has a component with the given role/role-hint.
        type - the non-unique type of the component
        roleHint - a hint for the desired component implementation
        true if this container has a component with the given role/role-hint
      • hasComponent

        boolean hasComponent​(Class<?> type,
                             String role,
                             String roleHint)
        Returns true if this container has a component with the given role/role-hint.
        type - the non-unique type of the component
        role - a non-unique key for the desired component
        roleHint - a hint for the desired component implementation
        true if this container has a component with the given role/role-hint
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Disposes of this container, which in turn disposes all of it's components. This container should also remove itself from the container hierarchy.
      • addContextValue

        void addContextValue​(Object key,
                             Object value)
        Add a key/value pair to this container's Context.
        key - any unique object valid to the Context's implementation
        value - any object valid to the Context's implementation
      • getContext

        Context getContext()
        Returns this container's context. A Context is a simple data store used to hold values which may alter the execution of the Container.
        this container's context.
      • getContainerRealm

        org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm getContainerRealm()
        Returns the Classworld's ClassRealm of this Container, which acts as the default parent for all contained components.
        the ClassRealm of this Container
      • registerComponentDiscoveryListener

        void registerComponentDiscoveryListener​(ComponentDiscoveryListener listener)
        Adds the listener to this container. ComponentDiscoveryListeners have the ability to respond to various ComponentDiscoverer events.
        listener - A listener which responds to different ComponentDiscoveryEvents
      • removeComponentDiscoveryListener

        void removeComponentDiscoveryListener​(ComponentDiscoveryListener listener)
        Removes the listener from this container.
        listener - A listener to remove
      • createChildRealm

        org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm createChildRealm​(String id)
      • getComponentRealm

        org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm getComponentRealm​(String realmId)
      • removeComponentRealm

        void removeComponentRealm​(org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm componentRealm)
                           throws PlexusContainerException
        Dissociate the realm with the specified id from the container. This will remove all components contained in the realm from the component repository.
        componentRealm - Realm to remove from the container.
        PlexusContainerException - PlexusContainerException.
      • getLookupRealm

        org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm getLookupRealm()
        Returns the lookup realm for this container, which is either the container realm or the realm set by setLookupRealm(ClassRealm).
      • setLookupRealm

        org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm setLookupRealm​(org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm realm)
        Sets the lookup realm to use for lookup calls that don't have a ClassRealm parameter.
        realm - the new realm to use.
        The previous lookup realm. It is advised to set it back once the old-style lookups have completed.
      • getLookupRealm

        org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm getLookupRealm​(Object component)
        XXX ideally i'd like to place this in a plexus container specific utility class. Utility method to retrieve the lookup realm for a component instance. If the component's classloader is a ClassRealm, that realm is returned, otherwise the result of getLookupRealm is returned.
        component - The component.
      • addComponent

        <T> void addComponent​(T component,
                              Class<?> role,
                              String roleHint)
        Adds live component instance to this container. Component instance is not associated with any class realm and will be ignored during lookup is lookup realm is provided using thread context classloader.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type.
        component - The component.
        role - The role.
        roleHint - The hint.